If a natural disaster strikes would you know how to protect your pet? As the Florida summer approaches so does the threat of hurricanes, tropical storms, and even daily severe thunderstorms. These storms can produce high winds knocking out powerline lines, blocking road ways, and creating other unforeseen dangers. River Mill Animal Hospital wants to encourage everyone to prepare a disaster kit in the event of an emergency. We have provided a list of items you will need for your kit.
Proper identification such as a collar ID tag and a microchip with updated information.
Pet Medical Thermometer
Flashlights and batteries
Assorted bandages, gauze rolls and pads
Pet carrier
Disposable litter trays (aluminum roasting pans are an easy substitute) and a litter scoop
Litter or paper towels
Towels and blankets
Liquid dish soap and disinfectant
Disposable garbage bags for clean up
Pet food – 7 to 14 days’ worth – store in an airtight, waterproof container in a safe place and rotate every 2 month for expired food.
Bottled water or a few gallons of water
Collapsible pet bowls
Leash or harness (even for cats!)
Current medication
Medical, microchip and adoption records – in a Ziploc bag
Current photo of your pet
Toys and treats to distract your pet
If your dog has a history of anxiety, consider bringing a Thunder Shirt, which can help nervous pets.
By having a plan of action, you will have peace of mind if a natural disaster strikes. The staff at River Mill Animal Hospital is here to help and in the event of an emergency please call our office at (813) 501-4985. If you have any questions regarding natural disaster preparedness or any additional we are happy to assist you.