Firework Safety

Firework Safety

Firework Safety

Firework Safety

Firework Safety

Protect your pets this New Year’s Eve. As we count down the final moments of 2015, River Mill Animal Hospital wants to remind pet owners that a New Year’s celebration can be a frightening and potentially dangerous time for pets. In addition to the physical dangers, many pets are fearful of the noise created by fireworks.  The following are some tips to keep your pet safe during the festivities:

  • Parties and groups of people can create stress and anxiety for your pet. Arrange a safe place for them to escape, should they become overwhelmed. Include a favorite blanket or toy ensuring a familiar and comfortable environment.

  • Beware of alcohol in areas your pet can reach. Ingestion symptoms can range from vomiting to seizures, or even death. 

  • Beware of decorations such as streamers, balloons, and noisemakers. Your pet may decide to try these party favors as an appetizer (they might not know the difference, and brightly colored items are always fun for humans and pets). Ingestion will result in choking or intestinal obstruction.

  • Animal’s hearing is much more sensitive than human. Keep the noise level to a minimum, or find a way to shield your pet from the rowdier crowd.

  • Don’t take your pet to the local New Year’s Eve fireworks festivities. The sights and sounds are typically too overwhelming for them.

  • Stick with the usual routine as much as possible. If you are traveling for an extended period of time, try to recreate their schedule to the best of your ability. It is also important to ensure that you do not change their diet.

  • Take extra-long walks on New Year’s Eve as you will not want to let them out in the evening due to the noise and festivities.

  • Keep your pet separate from the food table to ensure they do not sneak a snack. Turkey, pork and ham can make your pet very sick, even small portions.

Celebrating New Year’s Eve is a great tradition and a lot of fun. However, excess stress could induce less than positive behavior. Help your pet ring in the New Year with you by assuring they have a worry-free evening. Happy New Year from River Mill Animal Hospital and we will see you in 2016!

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